Support from family and friends – Rowdyneko


Rowdyneko doesn't do the caregiving willingly, but her son surprises her every day with his unselfish support.


I haven’t really figured out how to get around that, because I so dislike the whole caregiving thing. And I think in some ways, my husband hasn’t figured out how to get around that either because he knows that I’m not happy doing this. I mean, I try and do it. I don’t complain. And somebody said to me the other day, “Well, you never complain about this.” And I’m going, “Well, what’s the point? There’s no point in complaining; it’s just what I have to do.” I mean, no choices here. So, not much point in complaining, not going to change anything. But I’m sure my husband would tell you there are times—like, I don’t do it willingly; I do it because I have to, and I’m not really that happy admitting that. I mean, it’s true, but I’d like to be doing it because it’s so much fun, or it brings you closer or…No. I mean, I don’t think that’s true. It’s not true for me anyway. I can’t stand any of that stuff. I mean, I’m really lucky that I have my kids because my oldest son is… Honestly, every day he just surprises the heck out of me. He’s just so completely—and my husband’s like this too actually; I’m so glad he got that gene from my husband—is so completely unselfish. And so, he will go in there, he can go in there and he can cut his hair and trim his beard and stuff. I can’t stand doing that stuff. If I was absolutely pushed against the wall, I would do it, but fortunately he just does it. And he doesn’t mind. He goes, “Well, I’ll just bring my razor in and I’ll do dad’s.” And the other day, he reminded—he wasn’t just reminding me—we were talking about Christmas and some of the issues around Christmas and he said, “Well, you know what? It doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks. It’s what Dad wants, and what Dad feels about it.” And that’s just completely his attitude, which I find absolutely amazing because I have a hard time. Intellectually, yes, I agree with him. But on the other hand, I go, “Yeah, but what about what I want?” And when you’re a caregiver, that does not factor. It doesn’t matter what you want, not at all. And that’s hard to take sometimes.

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